2024年9月14日 星期六
2022年8月28日 星期日
實驗室一般訓練 General Safety Training
- 環安衛開課訊息,請詳見網站: http://esh.ntu.
開課日期有限,請盡快先上A+B課程。 - 報名R331+R325實驗室一般訓練:https://
Requirements for Laboratory Entry Permit
- BHS Course A+B ( Information: English Courses for foreign language speakers )
Send Course B certificate to gipofab@ntu.edu.tw - R331&R325 General Laboratory Safety Training
Register for the course: https://forms.gle/59wgJoRGGFPcwrid8 - Payment Agreement signed by supervisor
- Thoroughly Read the laboratory regulations of College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and the regulations of Optoelectronics Process Laboratory & Energy Optoelectronics Packaging and Measurement Laboratory and sign the confirmation. The original official documents are in Chinese. You need to have someone translate for you, or read the alternate documents - General Laboratory Rules and Harvard University Green Labs Guide.
When either one of the qualification certificates of Environmental Safety and Health Courses A and B expires, the license for the service of R331&R325 laboratories will be terminated.
Every authorized user is obliged to provide the service of cleaning the laboratories under the instruction of the managing assistant.
Every authorized user is obliged to provide the service of cleaning the laboratories under the instruction of the managing assistant.
2021年5月2日 星期日
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